For your trade fair success!
The right services for your successful exhibit. We would be pleased to support you with all your stand-related needs and marketing.
As an exhibitor or co-exhibitor, you can conveniently book services related to your trade-fair stand online at the bauma CHINA exhibitor service center.
The exhibitor service center for bauma CHINA 2026 will be available around September 2026.
Our official stand-building partners can support you on all topics that pertain to building a stand for your participation at bauma CHINA.
Besides our shell scheme solutions, we offer individual stand packages. By choosing one of them, you can save time and cost while having a high quality booth.
For your reference, you can take a look at our packages from 2024:
Boost your business with our services! bauma CHINA offers good ideas for your exhibition promotion strategy from the online promotion to onsite advertising.
Make use of the attractive space in and around bauma CHINA to get exposure for your company.
Whether it is online or on-site, prior or during the trade fair – attract your target customers and stand out from other exhibitors.
For your reference, you can take a look at our sponsorship options from 2024:
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